What I'm most looking forward to in Autumn

As much as I love Summer, I love Autumn probably slightly more.  It gives the perfect combinations of chilly mornings, lazy days and darker evenings.
So as today is the first official day of Autumn, here are some of the things I am most looking forward to this season:

1. Cosying up in Jumpers and Blankets
I absolutely love getting wrapped up in massive blankets and wearing fluffy pyjamas and I would honestly live in Jumpers all year round if I could.

2. Crispy fallen leaf walks
I absolutely love going for walks (wrapped up very warm) through freshly fallen leaves - is there anything more satisfying?! and everything always looks so beautiful at this time of year

3. Hot Chocolate!
This is the only hot drink that I actually like so to actually be able to have it often (More like daily) during Autumn is definitely a huge bonus.

4. Sunrises and Sunsets
As the sun rises later and sets earlier, it means that it is more achievable to see one during Autumn time.

5. Lazy Days in bed
Theres not much I love more than being indoors whilst its raining wrapped up warm with a hot chocolate and a good book watching the weather outside.  

6. Halloween and Bonfire night
I absolutely love going to see huge public firework displays on Bonfire night and Halloween just gives and excuses to get more creative with makeup looks.

7. Fashion
This might sound like a strange one but bobble hats and boots are definitely a favourite of mine. Especially boots as they can completely change an outfit.

8. I'm a celebrity get me out of here
Again, it might sound like another strange one but this is one of my favourite programmes and I wait all year for this.  (It's also a very good countdown to Christmas!!)

What are you most looking forward to about Autumn?
